A wedding is a momentous event that symbolises the lifelong commitment between two individuals. This is the start of a journey of shared dreams, challenges and triumphs and a commitment to stand by each other through thick or thin. The wedding ceremony is also an opportunity for families to unite and strengthen bonds of kinship and community. The blending of cultural customs and traditions at weddings is testament to the beautiful tapestry of humanity and the universal desire for connection and belonging.

Weddings can be as extravagant or as simple as you want them to be, and they can be held in this country or abroad. The most important aspect of any wedding is the exchange of vows – the promise to love, comfort and honour each other for better or worse, in sickness and in health and till death do you part. This is a sacred and powerful statement, and the ceremony should be meaningful and reflect the couple’s personal beliefs and values.

When it comes to planning your day, there are many things that need to be done before the big event. One of the most crucial tasks is obtaining a marriage license. You’ll need to check with your local authority for the process and waiting time in your area, but getting this out of the way early will save you stress in the lead up to your wedding.

Another important task is finalizing your guest list and sending it to the venue. This will give the venue an idea of how many people you can invite to your big day, so they can start preparing accordingly. It’s also a good idea to get in touch with those who have yet to RSVP, and chase them to make sure they’ve done so.

At around the one to two month mark, you should be securing your suppliers and vendors for the day. This is also a great time to order any additional paper goods, like programs or place cards, and to ensure your photographer has the shot list you’ve given them.

On the day, make sure you have a schedule for yourself and your wedding party. Create a timeline that allows for plenty of time for hair and makeup (we suggest doing it first, then groomsmen can go to the barber’s) and also to prepare any luggage or props you need for your photos.

Before the ceremony, check in with your bridesmaids, groomsmen, parents and siblings to ensure everyone is where they need to be at the correct time. If inclement weather is predicted, prepare for the worst. Weigh down anything that could blow away, or move it inside if possible, and stock up on parasols, fans, extra ice and blankets to help guests stay comfortable.

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